Tuesday, April 26, 2011


photo credit: Lars

Our Easter celebration started the Thursday before Easter with the local orchestra's performance of the Saint Matthew's Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach. Performances of this masterpiece at Pasen (Easter) is traditional all over the Netherlands. It was wonderful, and thanks to Dutch friend Pieter, we had a German-English libretto so we could follow along.

Chocolate bunnies and colored eggs are also traditional here. We also tried Passtolen, a sweet yeast bread with raisins and almond paste filling. The favorite treat around our house seemed to be chocolate eggs with hazelnut filling. Another treat: the kids enjoyed having two days off school - Good Friday and Easter Monday.

Easter worship is always jubilant, and this year was exceptionally so. We attended Easter Mass at Sint Martinus parish church, pictured above. The church is beautiful, the choir and organ music likewise, and the rousing Halleluia Chorus finale (in Dutch) was stirring.

Gelukkig Pasen!

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